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The British left’s red-brown problem

Stalinist nostalgia, Putinism and anti-Semitism prove a toxic mix

Paul Mason

[This is a long-read. It originally appeared on my Substack newsletter in two parts. I’m making it available here because it has stimulated an sharp political debate in the UK.]

I was recently alerted to an anti-Semitic post by a participant in the 5,000-strong private Facebook group “Organise Corbyn Inspired Socialist Alliance” (OCISA), which has been formed to unseat Keir Starmer. It reads:

“Starmer is a Right wing Red Tory Zionist Israel paid Scab along with Berger, Smeeth, Coyle, Hodge…”

…followed by a list of Labour MPs, both Jewish and non-Jewish. When challenged by another member of the group, the author replies:

“Starmers wife is Israeli her relations in Israel or all Zionist supporters of Extrem right wing Naitinhau and one or more of Starmer’s wife’s relations or members of Mossad Starmer was could still be MI5” [all errors in the original].

The author spends much of his time on Facebook posting pro-Russian content, plus conspiracy theories about US biolabs and Hunter Biden. He predicts a new American civil war between “Democrats Zionist Vs Republican Nazis”. He habitually slanders Ukrainians as Nazis and is obsessively hostile to…

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Paul Mason
Paul Mason

Written by Paul Mason

Journalist, writer and film-maker. Author of How To Stop Fascism.

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It's funny, before the recent war in the Ukraine i used to disagree with Paul Mason, counting him as one of Stoltenberg's mates. But as Keynes said, when facts, change, I change my mind. This is also true of several of the leading leftists in New…


A Fantastic read.
I've posed the question before on Social Media just why the 'Left' and 'The Right' seems to have switched positions since the 'innocent' days of my youth (50's/60's). No answers were forthcoming.
I suspect some did not even…


The social media echo-chamber effect is a catalyst for uniting mis-information, stupidity and existing nastiness with the disaffected in society.
The frustrating process of trying to haul people out of rabbit holes leads the rest of the population to…
